jfreund (jfreund) wrote,

Delia SHerman & Ellen Kushner reading in NYC on 12/6

The New York Review of Science Fiction Readings
Delia Sherman
Ellen Kushner

     Tuesday, December 6 -- Doors open 6:30 PM
     $7 suggested donation
     The SoHo Gallery for Digital Art
     (address and links below)

We continue our tradition of an annual family reading for December with one of our favorite families of writers -- Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman.  It's not only a truly festive way to start out the season, but you are assured of hearing great fiction by two exceptional readers .

Ellen Kushner’s first novel, Swordspoint, introduced readers to the city to which she has since returned in The Privilege of the Sword (Locus Award & Nebula nominee), The Fall of the Kings (written with Delia Sherman), and a handful of short stories, most recently "The Duke of Riverside" in Ellen Datlow’s Naked Cities.  She has just finished recording the audiobook of Swordspoint for Audible.com/ACX's new "Neil Gaiman Presents" list.  Her second novel, Thomas the Rhymer, won both the Mythopoeic and World Fantasy Awards.  Kushner has taught writing at the Clarion and Odyssey workshops, and is a co-founder of the Interstitial Arts Foundation.  In 2011 she co-edited Welcome to Bordertown with Holly Black.  Kushner is also the longtime host of the public radio show Sound & Spirit.  Kushner lives in New York City with author & editor  Delia Sherman, and no cats whatsoever. Her website can be found at  http://EllenKushner.com 

Delia Sherman writes stories and novels for younger readers and adults. Her most recent short stories have appeared in the young adult anthology Steampunk! and in Ellen Datlow’s Naked City. She's written three novels for adults: Through a Brazen Mirror, The Porcelain Dove, and The Fall of the Kings (with Ellen Kushner). She's now turned her hand to novels for younger readers.  Changeling and The Magic Mirror of the Mermaid Queen are both set in the magical world of New York Between. Her newest novel, The Freedom Maze, is a time-travel historical about ante-bellum Louisiana.  When she’s not writing, Sherman is teaching, editing, knitting, and cooking. When not on the road (one of her favorite places to be), she lives in a rambling apartment in New York City with partner Ellen Kushner and far too many pieces of paper. Her website is at http://DeliaSherman.com


The New York Review of Science Fiction Reading Series provides performances from some of the best writers in science fiction, fantasy, speculative fiction, etc.  The series usually takes place the first Tuesday of every month, but maintains flexibility in time and place, so be sure to stay in touch through the mailing list and the Web.

After the event, please join us as we treat our readers for dinner and drinks nearby. 

Jim Freund is Producer and Executive Curator of The New York Review of Science Fiction Readings.  He has been involved in producing radio programs of and about literary sf/f since 1967.  His long-running live radio program, “Hour of the Wolf,” broadcasts and streams every Wednesday night/Thursday morning from 1:30-3:00 AM.  (New time slot.)  Programs are available by stream for 2 weeks after broadcast.  (Check http://hourwolf.com or follow @JimFreund for details.)

The SoHo Gallery for Digital Art  (www.sohodigart.com)  is dedicated to re-establishing SoHo as an international center for the development of new artistic forms, concepts and ideas.  A screens-instead-of-canvases approach allows a wide selection of art from around the world which would otherwise never make it to the City.  The SGDA is available for private gatherings and events of all kinds.  For bookings call (800) 420-5590 or visit http://sohogallerynyc.com


Tuesday, December 6
Doors open at 6:30 -- event begins at 7

The SoHo Gallery for Digital Art
138 Sullivan Street  (between Houston & Prince St.)


By Subway
6, C, E to Spring St.; A, B D or F to West 4th; 1 train to Houston St; or R, W to Prince St.

There are many convenient bus lines that come within a couple of blocks of the gallery.  Use the link above for an interactive transit map.


The New York Review of Science Fiction magazine is celebrating its 21st year!
Subscribe or submit articles to the magazine!
   New York Review of Science Fiction
   PO. Box 78, Pleasantville, NY, 10570
   NYRSF Magazine: http://nyrsf.com

To join our infrequent mailing list please send a note to NYRSF_Readings@hourwolf.com. 
This is not a listserv or automated service, so no need for geeky 'subscribe' commands.

Tags: nyrsf readings, reading

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